Saturday, December 8, 2007

morning after

the day before i left town,
what should appear but giant cookie-cutters
on the street,
and people shoveling
gray grit madly into place.

the next morning, it was back on the bus again.
just before we left, i got this shot of birdfeet.
but what it would be
remained an utter mystery.

until now.
thanks to darling fridamorelia for staying in town
to witness and share the finale:



Anonymous said...

Hi! I'm thrilled to find my vid here in your blog!
Did you make the altar in Morelia?
Can't wait for your response
Best regards
Frida (fridamorelia)

MaryK said...

hola, fridamorelia!
i owe you a ton of thanks and gratitude for the vid-
when i witnessed the altar-creation in Morelia, i wished i could record it for my readers and for my students. my wish came true when i discovered your film of it. my art students (almost 500 kids in an elementary school) were able to watch it with me, and it inspired this entry.
Muchísimas gracias por su generosidad y espíritu creativo!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad it was useful for you and your students, you can't imagine this feeling!!

So glad I found you!!


MaryK said...

it is so gratifying to imagine how you feel - thanks so much for saying so.
i wish you could have seen the children's reactions- they loved it, it made Días de Muertos so real for them- and for us "norteños", that is SO important.
looking forward to seeing your future vids- i checked out your other works on youTube- you have a beautiful singing voice as well.

oh, i almost forgot to say-i just changed my blog's address to:
