Sunday, January 6, 2008


"Truth is eternal, knowledge is changeable. It is disastrous to confuse them."
-Madeleine L'Engle

Herewith a confidential glimpse of the letter i imagine sending through USPS.
But since i won't, maybe i'll email it to my peeps this week like this:

"hey sis,
just wanted to let you in on what i want to say but am too chicken to send to another sis. thanks for listening.
party on & xox,

'Dear Hillary,
Once upon a time, I waited in line for you to sign a copy of your book.
I still have it here in the studio, but like many things,
what seemed so important to have back then doesn't stand so powerful for me now.

Don't get me wrong- I admire the strides you've made fighting the good fight in the public sector. Your strength, conviction and moxy have served to create a potent persona and figurehead for thousands, maybe millions of sistahs.

But Hill, your hardest fight is finally playing out.
This is the one you bet the farm on.

Putting up with terminal bad-boying and societal embarrassment from your man....makes people still wonder why you didn't stand up and walk straight out that door to the big rock candy mountain of self-re-invention.
It would have been a hard, maybe impossible climb back up, but it woulda been
your climb.

Despite the perhaps inevitable political suicide, you could've been alive in so many other ways.
Many have climbed that Everest before you. It is a terrifying, death-defying trip and some slip off the edge. But many more make it back with miraculous tales to tell and a rebirth in the making.
And with the determination to: enable no more, no way, no one;
to stay raw and no longer rise above intellect
at a cost to instinct.

Too bad we weren't your role-models; we were waiting in the wings.

This fight is about lessons learned and lessons ignored and lessons that come around again if you didn't get it the first or second or hundredth time. and about false gain.
We fight it but we know it
deep in the gut while the mind plays broker.

Just wish you hadn't bet the farm on him.

Yeah, shoulda, coulda, woulda; easy to say.
Well, if you need a sister's shoulder to finally cry it out, Hill,
we're here for ya, day or night.

Yours Truly,
a fan who would bet on you
if you were free and clear ' "

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So you are doin' the sister in are you?
Attracted to the sooting words of little wisdom and too much hope? I am sorting it out too,but her leaving Bill wouldn't be the deal breaker.
I wait , listen, and watch.
yeah it's me