Monday, September 8, 2008

Cézanne by committee

or: the seemingly random intersecting influences in my life

Watch Three Colours Cézanne online, it's about an hour long; a beautiful documentary of how not to live by committee.
(Netflix also has it.)

Just before school started, we received a reminding email that a curriculum committee made up of colleagues had decided last year that we were not to reference "real" political candidates' names in discussions/instruction/teachable moments nor at any time with the elementary children in our classes during the upcoming election process.

Instead, we were told to use "mascot" names, as in: dancing animals running for office instead of peeing on trees like in Real Life.
Interpreted this means: fake, fraudulent, deceitful, bogus, cartoony-looney abstractions of ultimate Truth and of Nature; yet again assuming, embracing and reinforcing those two age-old mantras of public education: "Kids are stupid." And: "Teachers are stupider; they'll follow this like lemmings: 'What me, think?'"
I repeat, this policy was developed by fellow educators.

And ultimately, smacks of Disney.
The gauntlet thrown, off we go to a gentler, (?!) more truthful time, to Coconino County.

Herewith, a humble sampling of ensuing campaign posters from the sketchbook:

If you'll excuse me, me and Ignatz have to go throw some bricks.

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