Sunday, November 2, 2008


hard to fathom: one Fall day i'm touring kindergarten classes with my band, The Ladybugs; said to be the first karaoke-all-girl-band-on-the-planet (the year: 1964, the Brits have landed).
the next, i'm discovering remarkable similarities between Kurt Cobain's and my birthcharts.
(so what's forty-five-ish years between these two events: a mere micro-drip in the scheming of the cosmos)
nothing can make me happier, except another tour.

proof: you can take the girl out of the rocker, but never the rocker out of the....

so thanks, Paul, for playing at my place Nov 1,

and thank you,
madcap lads from liverpool and all you rockers before and since, for the continued celebration and inspiration.

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