Sunday, July 5, 2009

in absentia

away away
hadn't planned
such a vaca,
but stuff kept happening
(like Bea manifesting Lyme and
then me)
and i just couldn't get
myself to sit and write.
that did not feel good after
consistent blogging, between here and
@ .mac for four years

but never fear,
i am back.

newbie works include...

more numbers, like "Seis"; just can't get away from the counting of it all.

these are tempera paintings done in front of 20+ kids, begun as demonstrations.
i apparently write down what i am saying (how odd, i have no recall of this habit) like, "make purple" in answer to a kid's question. bring them home (not the kids!) and enhance them. voilá, it's as good as it gets b'tween September-June

the bird thing, just won't leave the nest either.
this is "Wonder of Birds" inspired by the song by The Innocence Mission.

This painting is currently available at my gallery shop, AtelierMaryK on Etsy.

hope you've been eggsellent.


Antonio Estevez said...

i love these new pieces such color. I still dont have the nerve to demonstrate in front of people. quite brave.

MaryK said...

thanks antonio.
hmmmm, i never thought of it
as bravura, that's a new way for
me to look at it. it definitely
feels like a different process than when you're working by yourself
in the studio, where you can get so deeply involved in your own resonance, which i guess is what we love to do as painters. it's all about staying present in the moment, no matter what.....much easier said than done. hope you are happily painting.