Sunday, January 24, 2010


with waning blogging energy,
i have reached the inevitable and
painful crossroads
of taking an indefinite hiatus from
love letters to ignatz.

i am so grateful to those who have
followed my writing and pics for
the past 4 years under 2 consecutive
blog sites.

with no definite return date in sight,
i leave with a link to the latest show i am in,
The Sketchbook Project.
organized by Art House Co-op out of Atlanta,
soon to be located in Brooklyn, it is a huge undertaking,
with 3,000+ artists from all over the place participating.

this exhibit features sketchbooks which are checked out, library-style,
to provide a tactile and personal experience for the viewer.
the topic “How to Save the World” was randomly assigned me,
then i had to work like mad to fill a Moleskine sketchbook
in the approx 3 1/2 weeks i had to complete it
by the time i found out about the show, entered, and paced at the mailbox daily
for the blank book to arrive.

the eventual goal of the project is to house the sketchbooks in a permanent collection library
in Brooklyn in 2010. the show opens in Atlanta and travels to Brooklyn, Los Angeles, Saint Louis and Chicago.

a little gallery of images from my sketchbook submission are posted
online, as well as a portfolio of about 60 of my works.

blessings to you all. and to all the chupacabras, seers, visionaries, imaginers and dreammakers out there,
i know you're real.


Antonio Estevez said...

oh say it aint so! I do hope you keep creating, my dear. You are quite awesome.

MaryK said...

'fraid 'tis true, dear. universal energies are pulling me in different directions and i need a little vaca. i am most grateful for your beautiful support.